Director: Sam Green
Production Company: Department of Motion Pictures
Status: On Release
Festivals: Sundance Film Festival, SXSW Film Festival (Audience Award nominee), San Francisco International Film Festival, AFI Fest, IDFA 2020 Pitch Forum.
32 Sounds is an immersive feature documentary and profound sensory experience from Academy Award nominated filmmaker Sam Green (The Weather Underground) featuring original music by JD Samson (Le Tigre, MEN).
The film explores the emotional impact of sound and the science behind our relationship to the world of sound-sense. By weaving together 32 specific sounds, it paints a moving and captivating meditation on the power of sound to bend time, connect us with others, and deeply shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us.
Journey through time and space — from the sounds of the womb to long-lost childhood memories suddenly evoked by forgotten sounds, to the sounds of animals and ecosystems usually hidden from our ears to the sound of Phil Collins blasting through the streets of New York — and experience in surprising and unforgettable ways the astonishing place of sound in our lives.